


Improve attention span, focus and good behaviour with proven strategies that work for kids of all ages, from toddlers to teens.

Heal ADHD Naturally

Dramatically Reduce ADD/ADHD Symptoms In As Little As Six Weeks

With Simple Diet, Supplementation & Lifestyle Strategies

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You've read all the expert advice on parenting a child with ADD/ADHD but despite your best efforts, your child is still struggling.
  • Everyday issues like homework, chores, getting to soccer practice on time and paying attention in school are all struggles.
  • Your child has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD or you strongly suspect that they have it.
  • You may have even resorted to medicating your child, but it's not making the kind of difference you would like.

The Challenges of Raising a Child With ADD/ADHD

Parenting is hard. But parenting a child with ADD/ADHD is the kind of hard that makes you want to tear your hair out in frustration.

But here's something you need to remember.

Your child isn't giving you a hard time. Your child is having a hard time.

And that struggle is reflected in your child's behaviour.

Your child is doing the best they can with their current resources, even though those attempts may fall short.

The reason your child is struggling is because their brain is wired differently.

The High Cost Of Untreated ADD

The cost of leaving ADD untreated is very high. Studies have shown that people with ADD/ADHD:

  • have a higher incidence of divorce and failed relationships
  • are more likely to get in trouble with the law
  • have a higher incidence of problems at work - they are more likely to get fired and they also change jobs more frequently
  • have a higher incidence of obesity and dementia

At worst, untreated ADD/ADHD could completely ruin your child's life. At best, it could leave them living way below their potential.

Untreated ADD/ADHD can leave your child feeling like they're broken or defective in some way because they can't seem to do the things that others can easily sit still and pay attention in class, complete their homework and assignments on time or remember important things that they have to do or to think before they talk or act.

And the constant negative feedback they get from the world around them, because of their behaviour, leads to feelings of self-loathing and inadequacy.

It's not your fault and

your child is not broken.

Your child's brain is just wired differently.

There is a scientific term for that. It's called neurodivergent.

These are the rule breakers and the people who think outside the box....the inventors, artists, writers creatives and leaders of the world.

And if harnessed correctly, your child's neurodivergent brain can be one of their greatest assets.

But you, as the parent, have to teach your child how to manage it and how to reduce the problematic symptoms that come with this condition.

Research has shown that ADD is caused by

a combination of too little of certain neurotransmitters in the brain, (such as dopamine), and too little activity in certain parts of the brain, especially the part responsible for executive function.

This negatively impacts your child's ability to pay attention, remember things, stay focused on tasks and think before they act or speak.

Research has also shown that ADD/ADHD is primarily genetic, so if your child has it, you or your spouse likely have it as well.

But Healing ADD Isn't As

Simple As Taking a Pill

Whilst taking medication can be helpful, in most cases it's not enough. And in some instances, it can cause more harm than good.

In addition, medications only deal with the symptoms, they don't do anything to heal the imbalances in the brain.

To treat ADD/ADHD properly, you need a holistic that looks at the root cause of ADD instead of just treating the symptoms.

The good news is that there are a lot of simple things you can do to improve things and help to optimize the functioning of your child's brain....which leads to better behaviour, increased focus and attention at school, increased academic performance and an overall happier child.


Healing ADD Naturally

Healing ADD Naturally is a six-week program designed to help you dramatically reduce ADD/ADHD symptoms using natural solutions, such as diet, exercise, targeted supplementation and simple lifestyle changes.

Short, actionable videos and a step-by-step plan with weekly action items will prevent you from getting overwhelmed and keep you moving forward on your healing journey.

What is your investment?

The course is priced at just $47 during the initial launch period. This is a bargain when you consider the price that untreated ADD/ADHD has on your child's life.

  • The lost opportunities due to procrastination, lack of focus and inability to follow through and complete tasks
  • The strained relationships with parents, teachers and peers due to impulsivity, over-reactivity and poor communication skills
  • The shattered self-esteem because they can't seem to cope and succeed like other students

But once you take charge and reduce your child's symptoms (often dramatically) by using the simple coping mechanisms taught in the program, you can help your child turn their ADD/ADHD from a weakness into a strength...tapping into your spontaneity, creativity and out-of-the-box thinking.

Here's what you get

  • Healing ADD Naturally Video Course
  • Lifetime Access
  • BONUS: ADD-Friendly Tools & Resources
  • BONUS: ADD in relationships
  • BONUS: ADD-Friendly Parenting Strategies

Here's What We Cover In The Program

Module One: Intro to ADD

In this introductory module, you will get a thorough grasp of ADD & ADHD. You will learn:

  • What ADD is
  • The difference between ADD & ADHD
  • The most common symptoms
  • How ADD shows up differently in girls and women
  • The high cost of untreated ADD
  • Head-Trauma Induced ADD and how it can develop
  • The 5 most common myths about ADD

Module Two: The 7 Types of ADD

There are 7 different subtypes of ADD.

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity) is just one type.

In this module, you will learn about the different subtypes and take an assessment to determine what type your child has.

You will also learn the root causes of each one and what you can do to reduce the symptoms quickly.

Module Three: Natural Healing Strategies For All Types

In this module, you will learn ten powerful healing strategies that work for all types of Attention Deficit Disorder.

Implementing these strategies will get you on the fast track to reducing the severity of ADD symptoms in as little as two weeks.

You'll be amazed at the difference just these simple, easy-to-implement changes can make.

Module Four: Healing ADD Through Food & Supplementation

In this module, you will learn about the different types of food that make ADD symptoms worse and the types of food you should be eating to help increase focus and concentration.

You'll also learn which types of supplements to take for the different types of ADD. These supplements will help to correct the imbalances in your brain and increase your focus, memory and concentration.

Module Five: Healing ADD Through Exercise

In this module, you will learn how to use movement and exercise to increase focus, improve your mood and make you feel more alert and mentally sharp.

You'll also get some specific recommendations about the type of

exercises that help the ADD brain.

Module Six: Sleep Strategies

for ADD

Children and teens with ADD have trouble both falling asleep at night and waking up in the morning.

In this module, you will learn simple supplementation and sleep hygiene strategies for helping your child fall asleep faster, stay asleep throughout the night and wake up refreshed and ready to go.

Say goodbye to the endless bedtime battles once you've implemented the strategies in this module.

Enroll Now & Get These

Amazing Bonuses

Bonus One: Tools & Resources For the ADD Brain

From apps to help you get organized and stay on top of things, to brain training games that help improve your focus, to the best books and podcasts on ADD....this is your must-have resource for all things ADD.

This is a constantly updated resource as I come across new things that can help you to better manage your ADD.

Bonus Two: ADD in Relationships

If your partner has ADD, then this bonus is for you. You'll come away with a deeper understanding of your partner as well as some practical tools to build and sustain a more satisfying and fulfilling relationship.

Bonus Three: Parenting The ADD Child

If you have ADD, it's highly likely that at least one of your kids has ADD as well.

In this bonus, you will learn how to:

  • How to effectively discipline your ADD child without damaging their self-esteem or ruining your relationship
  • How to end power struggles
  • Help your ADD child succeed at school
  • Taming the homework monster
  • Strategies and tips for ADD parents who have ADD kids

Enroll Now!

Enroll now and start taking control of your ADD instead of being controlled by it.



Three payments of R399

  • Healing ADD Naturally Video Course
  • Lifetime Access
  • BONUS: ADD-Friendly Tools & Resources
  • BONUS: ADD in relationships
  • BONUS: ADD-Friendly Parenting Strategies



Save R200

One payment of R997

  • Healing ADD Naturally Video Course
  • Lifetime Access
  • BONUS: ADD-Friendly Tools & Resources
  • BONUS: ADD in relationships
  • BONUS: ADD-Friendly Parenting Strategies

My Guarantee To You

I'm so confident that this program can dramatically improve your child's life that I am offering a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Enroll in the program and start trying out the techniques and strategies taught.

And if, at the end of 30 days, you don't feel that this is one of the best purchases you've made toward your (or your loved ones) well-being, then just send me an email and I will refund every penny, no questions asked.

Is this program the right fit for me?

As life-changing as the Healing ADD Program is, it's not for everyone.

This program is for you if:

  • You are proactive about your health and well-being and that of your children
  • You are willing to put in the work to see results
  • You are open to making changes in your diet and lifestyle to experience dramatic improvements in your child's well-being.

This program is not for you if:

  • You rely solely on your doctor for answers
  • You are stuck in your ways and not willing to make any diet or lifestyle changes
  • You prefer to just give your child a pill and hope it all magically goes away

Help Your Child Turn Their

ADD/ADHD Into a Strength

Your ADD can be your biggest strength....if you know how to manage it well and reduce the problematic symptoms. It's time you turned your child's ADD/ADHD into an asset instead of a liability so that they can live up to their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ADD?

ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. It's characterized by difficulty paying attention, poor impulse control, and disorganization and may include hyperactivity.

What is the difference between ADD & ADHD?

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It has many of the same symptoms as ADD, but includes hyperactivity as one of the core symptoms as well. ADHD is more common in boys and ADD is more common in girls.

Is ADD a childhood disorder?

No. Both ADD and ADHD last into adulthood and are not disorders that you can "outgrow."

What happens after I order?

You will receive an email with your login details. You will then be able to access the course materials. If you do not receive the email within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder. If there is nothing there, please contact us at

How does the course work?

The program consists of pre-recorded videos that you can watch at your convenience. There are also downloadable worksheets, assessments and other resources that help you to apply the concepts taught in the program.

You will be able to access the course from any desktop, laptop, tablet or phone connected to the internet.

The first two modules are available immediately. One additional module will unlock each week thereafter and the bonuses will all be unlocked one week after module six is unlocked. This is done deliberately to avoid overwhelm and keep you focused on implementing the changes one bit at a time.

My partner has ADD/ADHD. Will this course also help them?

Yes. The techniques and strategies taught in the program are designed to help both adults and children.

I have (or think I might have) ADD/ADHD. Will this course help me?

Yes, the strategies in this program are designed to help both adults and children.

© 2014